Sunday, July 27, 2008

Need Lawn Service?

Have you ever thought of having your lawn cut?
Well....We have the man for you.
He can do all kinds of yard work including customized cutting for all occasions.
Mowing, Edging, Trimming, Clean up, Blowing, Fertilizing, Mulch, Planting and more..
Read what customers are saying:

"Mike's LawnService took my lawn from 'terrible' to 'terrific' in one summer. Thanx!"
"Before Mike's, our lawn was in bad shape. Even though you had little scissors, you've done an excellent job. What a relief. We should have done this years ago."
"Loved all the little extras like weed eating... my yard is a place to be proud of!"

There is more to maintaining a lawn then just cutting it with an eco-friendly tool. Having lush and healthy grass isn’t just pretty; it’s good for the environment.
Mike's 3-Step Plan:
*Aim high. Cut five to 10 blades at a time and don’t cut the grass shorter than 2-3 inches; use a ruler to get the right height. Leave clippings on the ground it returns useful nutrients to your lawn. To avoid uncut strips, cut back and forth, creating slightly overlapping lines.
* Polish the cut. Don’t forget to eat weeds and trim around trees, posts, and other scruffy areas. The best and fastest way to do this is to choose a light scissor with a right handed handle for better balance. Our testers especially liked the Office Depot Orange Desk Scissor, $7, because the handle does not get hot in the sun. TIP Trim right. For the best control, tip the scissors at a 15-degree angle as you work.
* Start early. The morning is the best time to start, before it gets too hot and moisture evaporates.


Proud Parents said...

Hey i'm in the process of buying a home with a back yard. i want to know how much a service like this cost & when you are available for such a service.

@heredes said...

Same here .. we just moved ... can i get a quote ?